Theatre & Arts
We have a hearty program in the fine and performing arts for every age and skill level. Opportunities flourish for artists in painting, sculpture, photography, music, drama, readers theatre, humorous interpretation, choric speaking, Biblical preaching and teaching and so much more. Our Main Auditorium houses 1,500 seats and provides other spaces to showcase the arts at the annual SSACS competition. Additionally, our Spanish Auditorium, Student Support Area, S1- S8 rooms provide an abundant space for our students to showcase their work.

Tutoring and Help Classes
Tutoring and Help Classes are most effective with a caring teacher who has a regular and reliable schedule. At West Gate Christian School, students who attend, will meet a minimum of one-hour classes at least twice a week. This regular and repeating schedule is key to helping students see the most academic gains.

Campus Life
On any given day at West Gate Christian School, there is a liveliness in the air that is perceptible. Students and faculty alike are in constant motion. Opportunities are abundant to get involved through extracurricular clubs and activities, to give back through purposeful community outreach, and explore interests through libraries, technology, learning, spirituality, and travel. Here, in a distinctive positive learning environment, students of every capability are welcomed and celebrated. Surrounded by opportunity, encouraged by faculty and students, West Gate Christian School students feel qualified to pursue their passions and reach their full potential.

Spiritual Life
Christian education is education about Christ. We seek to help students know
Him, grow spiritually, and show character and conduct like Him. “But let him that
glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD
which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in
these things I delight saith the LORD” (Jeremiah 9:24). Education should foster
personal commitment to Jesus Christ and obedience to the doctrines of His Word.
It should prepare students spiritually, academically, and vocationally to unselfishly
serve the Lord Jesus Christ to the best of their ability.

Student Support Services
West Gate Christian School recognizes that not all students learn the same way. Student
Support Services offers assistance for students who may need more than is available in the
general classroom. Our goal is to help struggling students be as successful as possible. Services
are available for students with the following:
504 plan
Academic Concerns
Reading and spelling challenges

Community Service
Students at WGCS are taught how to have a heart for the Lord and to serve Him
as it is their “reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) That service is focused primarily
on the church and community. We encourage our students to be active members
of their church by participating in the ministries of that church. We also
emphasize that our students should be serving in their local community, through
various organizations that encourage volunteer work.

In addition to teacher libraries, West Gate Christian School has over 2,000 books included in our library, which serves grades Pre-K through 12th. Every book is logged in electronically, which gives students and teachers easy access to the books they need.

West Gate Christian School recognizes that in today’s information technology-driven society, learning is not constrained by the walls of our classroom or the hours of the school day. All WGCS students have access to age-appropriate technologies.